ROBOTIC ARCHITECT: System Integration Skills To Master the Nexus of Self-Driving Cars

Get off the Jupyter Notebooks and take your algorithms to the real world!

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment

Contact information

Billing address

Terms of Service

Article 1: Scope of application

The present general conditions of sale apply to all transactions concluded through the Internet sites of the THINK AUTONOMOUS company network.

Is considered as "customer" any individual or legal entity placing an order with the company THINK AUTONOMOUS validated via our secure payment platform.

Article 1 bis : Age limit

Age restrictions apply: The THINK AUTONOMOUS company only accepts customers over 14 years old (for physical and digital products) and over 16 years old (for services: coaching, workshops, seminars).

We do our best to restrict access to our sites, products and services to minors. Although the content of our products and services is not offensive in nature and can help everyone, we prefer to address ourselves to a mature audience capable of understanding the implications and responsibilities of the business world.

Article 2: Ordering

Any order placed on a site belonging to the company THINK AUTONOMOUS implies full acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

Article 3 : Price

The prices are indicated in euros all taxes included (at the French VAT rate of 20%).

You do not have to bear the costs of processing the order, nor the commissions paid to the payment agencies. It is us who pay them.

The price of the articles can be modified at any time, but the price applied to an order is always the one announced at the time of the order.

Article 4: Payment

Payment is required at the time of the order, including for pre-ordered products.

Some payments can be done in multiple time if the option is available.
If a payment failed, the system will try again 3 times.
If, after 3 times, the client didn't update the payment method; Think Autonomous reserves the right to try again any time until it works; or to remove access to the course. In such case, initial payment won't be refunded.

You have the choice to pay by credit card or by PayPal. The secure online payment by credit card is made through the company Stripe.

The information transmitted is encrypted by software in the rules of art and cannot be read during transport on the network. Any guarantee as to the security of this system is entirely the responsibility of Stripe and PayPal, which have proven themselves and handle millions of secure payments every day.

Article 5: Access and delivery

Access to digital products will be through the secure Podia platform. You will be able to access it at any time and consult your training in the cloud, just as you would on Netflix.

Immediately after placing your order, you will receive an email with your login details. We ask you to keep them private so that you can access your current and future orders more easily.

If you have any difficulty accessing your order, please contact support by email at

Article 6: Copyright

All elements of the site and products are and remain the intellectual and exclusive property of the company.

No one is authorized to reproduce, exploit, rebroadcast, or use for any purpose whatsoever, even partially, elements of the site, whether software, visual or sound, or to communicate his personal identifiers for connection to the member area to a third party.

Article 7 : Refund conditions

The money back guarantee depends on what is mentioned on the page presenting the product.

If no money-back guarantee is mentioned on the page presenting the product, no refund will be made after the order.

We strongly believe that our content is valuable and that you have to be willing to invest in yourself in order to achieve ambitious results.

We don't want to penalize serious students for the benefit of some who would use the guarantee to access the content for free .

For your information

Accessing the content (by downloading it or viewing it even partially) is considered full and complete execution of the contract and therefore entails a waiver of the withdrawal period.

Indeed, the regulation excludes "digital content provided on an immaterial support and subscription contract for these services whose execution has begun with your agreement and for which you have waived your right of withdrawal (example: a downloaded film)".

In other words: we have no legal obligation to make a refund on simple request.

If, however, a money-back guarantee is mentioned on the page presenting the product, please contact customer support at to request its application within 14 days of purchase.

Article 8: Protection of personal data

We don't like to pry into our clients' lives. The only information we are interested in is information that our customers send us on their own.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any personal data concerning you. By adhering to these general conditions of sale, you acknowledge that you have the right to access and rectify your personal data protection policy.

By entering your email address on one of the sites of our network, you will receive emails containing information and/or promotional offers concerning products published by the company THINK AUTONOMOUS.

We do not want to send emails to people who do not want to receive them.

Thus, you can unsubscribe at any time. You just have to click on the link at the end of our emails. This link is preceded by the words "Unsubscribe".

Article 9: Company information

THINK AUTONOMOUS is a company under French law whose address is :

10 Rue du Colisée
75008 Paris
SIRET: 888 071 941 00015
SIREN: 888 071 941
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (€299.00)€299.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2x €149.00)2x €149.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xROBOTIC ARCHITECT: System Integration Skills To Master the Nexus of Self-Driving Cars€0

All prices in EUR