"No, I am not adding a Discord, Facebook Group, WhatsApp, or anything like that to your cutting-edge courses! But if you force me, I might spend 2+ years plotting a whole new community membership experience that might turn out to be the most entertaining, industry relevant, and exclusive professional adventure you've ever had!"
Jeremy Cohen's character in the Edgeneer's Land, where he monthly drops golden fragments of knowledge teaching his Edgeneers the most practical information he learned from the field
Before I tell you all the details about it... let me share with you the summary of The Edgeneer's Land:
WHAT IS IT? A new membership for Think Autonomous Edgeneers who want to build continuous cutting-edge skills
WHAT'S INCLUDED? Monthly fragments, community access, and member-only privileges; all available via our App
RELEASE? Once per month for all the community (the 3rd)
FORMAT? Company recordings, Interviews, Workshops
EXOTIC STORIES? The community will live in a futuristic island
PRICE? 39€/month for pioneers, going up forward
ACCESS? Edgeneers only, Application based
DETAILS? Read below...
If you're currently working or learning about autonomous technologies and looking for build skills continuously, while being surrounded with other autonomous tech engineers, then this page will show you how:
Here's the idea:
After over 1,300 daily emails, 80 blog posts, 25+ online courses that helped thousands of engineers on the planet, including some of the most prestigious companies in the autonomous tech world like Mercedes-Benz — and after generating hundreds of thousands of dollars both in revenue and salary for my clients...
I am launching a new community membership experience dedicated to help engineers build skills continuously, all while taking part of an elite group of autonomous tech engineers that I will consider my absolute VIP Edgeneers and thus grant a lot of benefits.
The place is called:
The Edgeneer's Land!
And this is a new community membership experience designed to help you not only be a cutting-edge engineer, but also thrive as a leader of this field!
Each fragment will teach you exclusive, rare, and hard-to-find skills.
Sample from another past fragment taught by a well-known Computer Vision startup
Each month, a new autonomous tech startup is going to open you the doors of their technology and explain how they actually implement cutting-edge algorithms to solve their own autonomous tech problem.
Sample from the first fragment analyzing an autonomous golf cart platform
Following, a "behind-the-scenes" from Jeremy will do a technical deep-dive into the algorithms, platforms, code, tools, or processes discussed with the startup.
Each fragment will try to bring you both technical skills and field knowledge.
This is what you typically can't get on a course or asking Chat-GPT. My goal is that the information provided inside is so unique that you can only learn it from the 'source'.
So this is the first part, and it's a lot of value already — I could have stopped there and define it a membership, but there is MORE!
This can mean exclusive articles, private audios, video samples from my next courses, podcasts, bonus emails, and anything that could cross my mind...
When you think about it, there is a lot that doesn't fit 'courses', it can be short ideas, paper analysis, new tips I learned, and the Edgeneer's Land is a place where I'll be able to publish a lot more of this type of content.
Via our new App, you'll be able to access Think Autonomous content "on the go", whether it's a new mini lesson I want to teach, or an audio for members, or an entire fragment!
The Edgeneer's Communtiy will help you meet and connect with the best Edgeneers from the Think Autonomous Universe, and its story-based design will entertain the hell out of you!
The Edgeneer's Community!
The best part?
This community experience is going to be STORY based, and all accessible via the same App as your fragments.
This means it's NOT an external random place, but all the same place, where the courses, live events, fragments, and community all co-exist and benefit eachother.
If you like Think Autonomous stories, expect to see many characters return to the land to entertain you...
Now what do I mean by "story-based"?
Simple: I want this experience to be entertaining to you, and it will be!
In the Edgeneer's Land, you are not a member of a community, but the citizen in a futuristic island.
As a citizen of the Land, you'll be able to make friends, work a job, explore the island, find treasures, and you could even end up nose to nose with the land's worse villains!
Better: We built an advanced hierarchy system. Our community will NOT be about bringing in the most number of people, but about making sure every single person has a personal journey.
In the community, everyone will be able to live its own journey, and upgrade to higher ranks.
What is your goal when joining?
Do you want to learn from other edgeneers? We will ensure you are matched with a guide, and gather around with other industry experts and guests to provide you with the most relevant experience.
I don't want you to be alone when doing your January goals, or when making a hard decisions, and meeting more senior people is one of the first attribute of this place.
Do you prefer becoming a leader? The Edgeneer's Land has a hierarchy system designed to help you 'upgrade' into a Leader. As a leader, you'll get more benefits, from mentoring others, to contributing to our collective knowledge library, to getting a lot more exposure on the platform, and even somehow... making it your platform!
Here's what I mean by this:
In most communities, the most seniors get penalized. The places are saturated with beginners asking if they should learn Python or Go first, and therefore there's not much to gain for advanced engineers...
But Think Autonomous is ALL about ADVANCED! And this membership reflects it as well, I designed it so that you have something to bring to the community, the place should give you the means to achieve it.
For example:
If you have a rare expertise on LiDARs obtained through your job, and if you've reached a high status in the community (by being active and playing our game), you'll be allowed to teach it to the others, and even via paid workshops. Or you could take freelancing contracts and recruit your own "squad" to fullfil it.
The Edgeneers Land will be your "platform" to grow, thrive and succeed, no matter where you are.
Now, realize none of this is a hard written promise — and even though it can be very exciting, I have to warn you that like for every community, the beginnings are colder than when it's at its peak several months in the future.
In a way, it's also an opportunity to take the early spots...
So after the fragment part, and the ongoing access to the content, the community part will be story based, and designed to have you grow, where being at the top is an advantage.
Alright, I have one more thing to discuss:
Edgeneers of the Land benefit from a better treatement than non-members at Think Autonomous.
As an Edgeneer of the Land, you also get member's privileges, such as:
"Outstanding material. I look for it every morning. Always interesting. Best daily email to which I subscribe.
I love them."
"After taking several of Jeremy's courses, I successfully got an internship as a Computer Vision Engineer in an Autonomous Drone Delivery startup in NYC!"
You seem to have great sources inside the autonomous car companies and to read the stories from what you learned from them are really really exciting!
I like your courses! They are fantastic! Not always easy to digest but that is maybe why I enjoy them so much. keep going!
"I have been learning a lot about LiDARs and sensor fusion from Jeremy's courses, and thanks to these, I got a new internship for Autonomous Vehicle Engineers, followed by a thesis at a self-driving car company."
Benefit #1 - Monthly Fragments
New Content every month sharing the inside of an autonomous tech startup, as well as a behind-the-scenes teaching you a more in-depth technical part.
Benefit #2 - Edgeneer's Community
Access to the storytelling based Edgeneer's Land Community to meet other members, grow, learn, mentor, and become a leader of the Land!
Benefit #3 - Member Privileges
Better access to Jeremy, his network, exclusive discounts, members-only events, and more...
Before you join, something important:
There is a catch.
Heh — you didn't think you'd get all this content, all the accesses, plus the benefits, this for less than 40€/month at launch, and there wouldn't be a catch?
How naive!
Okay, so what is it? Oh yes, well... we realized something very early on when building the community: if we simply allow everybody who has a credit card in, the place would quickly be polluted.
I've seen it happen countless times, and even within startups, the best elements leave when the worst stay. I want the citizens of the land of edgeneers to be in a safe place, and thus there is an immigration policy:
Only existing clients will be allowed in!
This means you'll need to purchase at minimum our course THE SELF-DRIVING CAR ENGINEER SYSTEM, and if this requirement is already a big "no no" for you — it means you're not the right type for this membership anyway.
If you own courses already, you will simply need to fill a quick form and answer 3 questions about your motivations, so we can better help you early on. We much prefer to take the time to welcome everyone one by one than to rush, get as many people as we can, and kill the place before it even started!
If this is something working for you, then here is the link to the application form (we also have FAQs below):
Apply to the Edgeneer's Land and get immediate access to our roadmaps, community, cutting-edge content, and your first fragment!
"What happens after I fill the application form?"
After filling the form, we'll review/approve your profile, and send you a payment link to join the membership. You can only join the membership once a month (usually mid-end of the month) for a few days, when I'm declaring it open via the emails.
"Could I be denied? Or is this a gimmick and everyone us accepted?"
The minimum conditions to be part of the community is to be subscribed to the daily emails, and to be enrolled in one course. The minimum requirement is our 19€ course called THE SELF-DRIVING CAR ENGINEER SYSTEM (or any other at a higher value).
Why this course? First, because if everyone has been through the same course, everybody is on the same page, and thus the quality of Edgeneers inside the community will increase. Second, because it's our most affordable course, so it's a barrier we put, but still low enough.
We have other conditions (undisclosed) to protect members from the community and ensure they only meet high quality people. If your form is refused, you will be told why and be able to reapply the next month.
"Will I get this month's fragment immediately after being accepted?"
Fragments are unlocked to the entire community at the same time. Our planned date is the 3rd of each month (or next business day), but you will be warned via email.
"Can I get a 7-day free trial and cancel my card after 30 seconds?"
No, and this calls back to the previous questions about having already been though my entry-level course, so you already know what type of paid content I'm doing.
If you have never been through my emails, blogs, courses, etc... it's best you don't join and begin there.
"Can I only get the fragments and not the community, or vice versa?"
No. But you have the freedom to stay a citizen of the community without being involved much. You simply won't benefit from all the best stuff we give our leaders and commanders.
"Can I cancel my subscription if I no longer want to be part of it?"
Yes, simply email Jeremy or support and we'll cancel it for you.
When you cancel your subscription, you'll lose access to your existing progression, but keep access to the purchased fragments.
However, quitters get put at the bottom of the list if they reapply. So if we're allowing 20 spots per month, and the waiting list is full, we'll favor those who have never tried yet, and thus you might find yourself in a period of "purgatory" that can last a few months.
So put differently, I'd rather you NOT join in a rush if you already think about cancelling, because just like a boxing gym, you see results after a few months of work, not right out of your first session.
"Why don't you put all your courses behind a membership for X$/month, like XYZ is doing?"
Because it's economically stupid, totally useless (most of my clients already purchase frequently), and would sink the company. You don't want to be left alone learning all these cutting-edge skills on your own, do you?
"If I join later, do I also get all fragments from the previous months?"
No, this wouldn't be fair to those who joined before you — and if I did it to people who joined after you, it wouldn't be fair to you. So if you join in December, you don't get access to November's fragment (and the months before).
As always at Think Autonomous, early adopters are the most rewarded. And the next question will also prove it:
"Will the price of my subscription increase in the future, or will there be a significant discount later on?"
First, there won't be any discount in the future. We already don't do that for courses, but for a subscription?! Hell no. And there won't be "100+ years access if you pay 1,000$ now". This membership is to play the long game together.
As a rule:
When you join, your price is locked in for 6 months minimum. After this, the chances are the price will stay the same for you, but will increase for new members.
Early adopters will always get the lowest price, and the later you join, the more it'll cost.
Apply to the Edgeneer's Land and get immediate access to our roadmaps, community, cutting-edge content, and your first fragment!
All prices in EUR
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